Baby doge coin
Baby doge coin BABYDOGE

Launching on June 1st 2021, Baby Doge Coin is indeed a “baby” in the world of cryptocurrencies. So far, Baby Doge Coin has been associated with Dogecoin a lot. According to the official Baby Doge Coin website, Baby Doge is the rightful “child” of Dogecoin that seeks to provide new and improved transaction speeds that Dogecoin could not. They express this by stating that BabyDoge has garnered lessons and tricks from his meme father and predecessor, the Dogecoin. With that said, let’s take a deep dive into this token, uncovering what is BabyDoge, its differences with other famous meme coins in circulation today and, of course, let’s see how you can make a BabyDoge swap instantly and without hidden fees.

What is BabyDoge?

BabyDoge is a meme-crypto that aims at improving on the shortcomings of its predecessor, Dogecoin. It does so by increasing transaction speeds and adding more deflationary features that reward users of the coin. For every transaction that occurs, users are awarded a percentage of each transaction which gets automatically sent to each BabyDoge wallet in existence.

It encourages more users to hold the coin rather than spend it. Therefore, making it a “hyper-deflationary” cryptocurrency. This is because as more and more people hold it over time, it will become more valuable and scarce. What makes BabyDoge unique is the fact that it focuses on increasing its value for the user while simultaneously donating some of the currency to saving dogs. For instance, on June 24th, BabyDoge announced that it has donated $75,000 to a non-profit organization known as PawsWithCause.

World’s best community coin

BabyDoge is referred to as the “world’s best community coin” as it was created by fans and members of the Dogecoin community. Less than a year old, the cryptocurrency has amassed major support from fans all over the world quickly. One major supporter of BabyDoge is Tesla’s very own CEO, Elon Musk. Thanks to his tweets, BabyDoge’s price went up by over 1,000% two weeks after launch. By the time it hit week three, it had accumulated a market cap of $200 million. By week four, it has amassed over 160,000 holders.

Key Features of BabyDoge

Now that we’ve answered the question “What is BabyDoge?”, let’s take a look at some of the key features of Baby Doge Coin include:


As reiterated earlier, Baby Doge Coin is a deflationary token. Therefore, it’s designed to become more scarce as time goes on. All BabyDoge holders will receive more BabyDoge tokens into their wallets by simply holding on to BabyDoge. All holders automatically receive a 5% fee from every transaction on the network.

Auto & Manual Burns

Over 29% of the Baby Doge Coin supply has been burned. That means out of the 5% that’s redistributed throughout the network, 29% of it is distributed to the dead wallet. Therefore, coins are been burned with every transaction.

Charity Wallet

Baby Doge has a designated charity wallet that receives redistributions which they use to support their charity partners. One perfect example is PawsWithCause.

Baby Doge Coin Crypto Card

A coming soon item that the community is waiting for so eagerly. Buy, send, exchange crypto and text BabyDoge to anyone using the TextBit technology!

The Differences between dog community coins

Baby Doge vs DogeCoin

Baby Doge DogeCoin
Block Time Less than 5 seconds Less than a minute
Launch Date 2021 2013
Redistribution 5% None
Save Dogs? Yes No

Although BabyDoge and Dogecoin share a name, that’s just about it when it comes to similarities. The differences include:

  • DogeCoin operates on its own blockchain while BabyDoge transactions take place on Binance.
  • DogeCoin’s supply is unlimited while Baby Doge supply is finite.
  • Dogecoin is inflationary while Baby Doge Coin is deflationary.

BabyDoge vs Shiba Inu

Baby Doge Shiba Inu
Block Time Less than 5 seconds About 10 to 15 seconds
Launch Date 2021 2020
Redistribution 5% None
Save Dogs? Yes No

Both the BabyDoge and the Shiba Inu have been promoted on Twitter by Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Thanks to his promotions, both coins have gained some significant popularity in the crypto community and experienced a substantial price rise. Some of the differences between Baby Doge and Shiba Inu include:

  • Shiba Inu operates on the Ethereum blockchain while Baby Doge transactions take place on Binance.
  • The Shiba Inu has a speculative use to it given that it shows positive signs of future growth. BabyDoge has no practical use whatsoever. Since prices rose thanks to Elon Musk’s tweets, it’s hard to predict the performance of BabyDoge.
  • The Shiba Inu doesn’t donate or give to charity. BabyDoge has already given out money to support charities that help save the lives of dogs.

Baby Doge vs Kishu Inu

Baby Doge Kishu Inu
Block Time Less than 5 seconds Unknown
Launch Date 2021 2021
Redistribution 5% 2%
Save Dogs? Yes No

Both the Baby Doge and the Kishu Inu are meme tokens that have little to no use cases or value. Both are worth mere cents. Some of the notable differences between the two include:

Unlike the Kishu Inu, BabyDoge is committed to helping save the lives of dogs. While the Kishu Inu does support charities, it doesn’t specifically support dog charities. BabyDoge has a 5% redistribution reward system while Kishu Inu has a 2% redistribution reward system.

How to perform a BABYDOGE swap at the best rate?

You can get BABYDOGE for a number of cryptocurrencies. Below are the steps you can follow to convert any crypto to BabyDoge on JansWap at the best exchange rate.

  • Select coin you want to swap in the Send section.
  • Specify the total amount you are going to transfer.
  • Select BabyDoge in the Get Up To section.
  • Review the BabyDoge swap offers on the screen and choose the best rate that is listed at the top. You can also see how many minutes it would take for you to complete the exchange.
  • Click on the Exchange button to proceed with swap offer of your choice.
  • Enter the wallet address to receive KISHU.
  • Use the generated address to send your deposit.
  • Wait for the deposit to be processed by the exchange service and the BabyDoge swap to be done.
  • Do not forget to rate and leave a review on the exchange partner, so we can gather more information on the exchanges for future users.