is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator
Browse through services, compare rates, analyze, and exchange cryptocurrencies all through one interface. All exchanges are non-custodial, and no registration is required.
Our Mission
In a field filled with platforms and tools, the crypto community deserves a convenient, progressive, and transparent exchange service that combines multiple sources and ensures the convenience, efficiency, and universal user flow of each exchange. JanSwap aims to take this step.
We simplify the exchange process by offering a one-stop solution to find the best instant exchange deals. We have integrated as many assets and services as possible and gathered all the information needed to make informed choices. You just need to exchange.
How does JanSwap work?
JanSwap aggregates cryptocurrency exchange offers for supported cryptocurrency pairs. We send queries to users, fetch trades directly from our partners, sort by rate, speed, and rating, and allow users to exchange through the chosen provider without leaving our site.
How do we calculate exchange time?
The processing speed can vary based on several factors. However, given its importance in the crypto space, we have added the average exchange time parameter. Here's the formula we use to calculate the time:
Asset1 * X confirmations + Asset2 +
How do we aggregate service ratings?
The way people rate services can reveal much about their performance and reliability, so displaying ratings is essential. To rate providers, JanSwap references relevant reviews and feedback collected from users at the end of exchanges.
Trustpilot (avg) + Rating (avg)